Home of Stella's Gardens

We are now living full time in Northeast Iowa, and working on the new gardens. It will keep us busy for quite a while...

As an avid gardener since I was about 7 years old, that gives me over 45 years of experience gardening in this part of the world. And every year teaches me a bit more.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Finally tomatoes!

Sooo it is August AFTER my boy's birthday and I have my First Tomatoes.  Wow.  I have some very nice peppers and onions and garlic.  Granted that the tomatoes went in late - between the weather and invalided :-) foot....

Friday, August 5, 2011

Through the heatwave

Obviously my last post was before the heat hit the fan...

As with many others, the garden is green and lush but still waiting for the first red tomato.  Quite a few cukes have been turned into pickles or traded with my friend for zucchini (mine were started late and are just starting to show female flowers.)  The garlic was dug up and is fabulous.  Onions are looking good and my late-planted watermelon and gourds up north are starting to set fruit.

But the cukes have wilt, the tomatoes have the worst case of whitefly I have ever gotten in my garden, and the heat put me behind on weeding and feeding down here.  The northern garden is done, anyway...

And everything is late!

And I'm at work so I really should be working...